Discovering the professions of contemporary art. Exploring the blurring borders between disciplines.
Who are the protagonists of the Contemporary Art and Culture world?
How is each of them evolving?
Is there the need for new or updated competences and skills to face this evolution?
How are the fields of Creativity: Design, Fashion, Communication fields influenced by the world of Art?
Do these systems interact with each other?
Are there professional figures common to the world of Art and Creativity?
NOT AN ARTIST is an investigation project led by Jacopo Manganiello and Igor Zanti (IED and Accademia di Belle Arti “Aldo Galli” Como), involving professionals of the world of contemporary art and culture. The concept arises from the observation of the contemporary art and culture scenario, which is evolving and opening up the market for new opportunities. The goal is to foster a conversation and a discussion about the role and future evolution of all the “side-professions” that accompany and complement the work of Artists and Designers as well as the definition of the blurring borders between Art and the Design disciplines.
The result was not a clear answer but rather the need of deeper understanding under two research lines:
Discovering the professions of Contemporary Art
Curator, Arts Manager, Museum Educator, Restorer/Conservator and Registrar are some of the professions explored through the project
In the framework of International events and partnering with renowned institutions IED invites the protagonists of the cultural world to share their own experiences presenting practical examples, case studies and best practices in order to enrich the debate and provide participants with an overview of the future career opportunities in the artistic and cultural field.
What does it mean to be NOT AN ARTIST?
What is the role of Institutions and different professionals in the changing scenario?
Where does the border between art and design lie?
The answer to these questions, and more, was given in the events.

NOT AN ARTIST - Istanbul
The talk revolved around the role of not-artists in the cultural world and highlighted: the role of not-artists in scouting and giving artists the opportunity to display their art internationally the role of not-artists as a vital player in the contemporary cultural scene balancing the finances between diverse disciplines the role of not-artists as common ground between artists, public institutions, and audience to share ideas on social issues through entertainment the role of not-artists and institutions as cultural bridges and soft diplomatic tools.

The main topic of the talk was the evolution of the professions in the Contemporary Art scene: The evolution of the role and duties of the Curator as a seal of quality in a cultural manifestation. The evolution of the role of the communication manager from support figure to protagonist of the definition of content plus the curator of the exchange between artist and audience in a twoway flux. The importance of the art managers to ensure sustainability of the projects, the raise in need of communication skills for all the protagonists of the arena and the creation of new professional figures The role of educators in providing the necessary skills to the new generations.

The talk was about new trends in the professions of contemporary art and included highlights on the new skills necessary to be a Curator, on the profession of registrar, on the evolution of the profession of restorer/conservator.
Exploring the blurring borders between disciplines
Art and Design

NOT AN ARTIST - Toyboyz edition - Los Angeles
The talk explored the different Professions involved in the business of Toy Design and highlighted the following topics: The artist as a multi-tasker needing executive help in production, communication, PR, sales. The need of the art market as an enabler of the arts. The common tools and skills shared by artists and designers. The need of Design companies to source from artists for special collections.
Art and Fashion

NOT AN ARTIST - Las Manuelas Art Series Blurring Borders - Copenhagen
Las Manuelas - Art Series is the newest edition of the Las Manuelas Project created by the Peruvian organization Movimiento Manuela Ramos in 2012, with the goal to empower Peruvian women in rural areas. IED has supported its mission since the beginning,creating a co-design platform and with the constant collaboration of its Students and Alumni. Based on an unprecedented collaboration between Las Manuelas, the collective of Peruvian alpaca herders and artisans from Puno, south of Peru, and eleven contemporary artists, Las Manuelas - Art Series collection came to life from the collaboration between opposite worlds that also seem to complement each other, such as urban and rural, artisan and artist.


Michel Compte mentor for IED in Identity - Pitti Uomo 2024
At Pitti Uomo, the Istituto Europeo di Design presents the installation titled Identity curated by renowned fashion photographer and contemporary artist, Michel Comte.
IED partners with Arte Laguna Prize 18
IED will award a special prize for a digital art creative and some of the selected projects will be exhibited at the Arsenale in Venice.

An exclusive talk with Formafantasma inaugurates the partnership between IED and Centro Pecci
IED Firenze students and teachers had the opportunity to visit an exclusive preview of 'Eccentrica', the permanent collection of the Centro Pecci Pecci, where they met Formafantasma, the designers who have worked on setting up the exhibition.
Lucy Orta mentor for IED
English artist Lucy Orta is the special mentor for a group of IED network students working on a large installation on the theme of "transition" for Pitti Uomo 104.

Masterclass with Cecilia Alemani: A journey through "The milk of dreams"
In the framework of the activities organized by the Master in Curatorial practice, IED Firenze - Cecilia Alemani will hold a Masterclass to the IED Community