
12 January 2024

Students from the third year of the Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design have presented a preview of the exclusive ‘Renewed’ collection for the Ternua Group

The Department of Innovation and Sustainability of this IED Kunsthal Bilbao partner company launched this challenge to respond to one of the most serious problems currently affecting the fashion industry related to fabric stock: to design and create pieces using the surplus stock and production leftovers of the brands of the Ternua Group.

The nine students undertaking the Fashion Degree presented a limited edition upcycling capsule collection. Clothing and accessories that make up a unique, original and functional series that is environmentally responsible, in line with Ternua’s key goals: reducing waste and championing circularity and sustainability.

Santiago Lasa of the Department of Innovation, and Iñigo Unanue, Product Manager of Ternua’s New Earth Spirit collection and Head of the Renewed collection, underlined the high quality of the design and execution of the garments, as well as the originality shown in the use of fabrics.

This preview will culminate in a final presentation of the collection, which will be showcased at the end of January to coincide with the end of term.

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