
12 February 2024

The results of the 11 workshops constituting Workshop Week 24, a cross-cutting and disruptive initiative by IED Kunsthal Bilbao, were presented last Friday

From 5 to 9 February, the 220 students of the four Bachelor of Arts in Design courses — Product, Graphic, Fashion and Interior Design pathways — participated in the second edition of Workshop Week, an academic activity of a cross-cutting and interdisciplinary nature.

Over the course of a week, the School was converted into a great workspace colonised by 11 workshops made up of students and led by creative professionals from the world of design, who worked on disciplines such as communication in the podcast creation workshop ‘Radio, Radio’ with Alberto de la Hoz; the design and construction of musical instruments in ‘Sonic Artefacts’ at the hands of Jonathan García; and the reuse of materials for design and the creation of new parts in the workshops ‘Shoe Reconstruction’ led by Barbara León and ‘Second Skin’ with Studio Petit Muller.

Students also had the opportunity to learn about jewellery design in the workshop given by Eva Burton, ‘The unit as a compositional element in jewellery’, and intervened on an old billboard in the “secret garden” urban space, Jardín Secreto by Espacio Open, in the workshop ‘Billboard’.

In ‘Scenography for an Opera’, students developed a stage proposal for ‘Akhnaten’ by Philip Glass, which, according to workshop leader Ignasi Cristiá, Playwright and Set Designer, “could function as a prototype for the development of a real project.”

‘Reguisando’ — or ‘re-stewing’ — gave students the opportunity to work alongside four women from the Ribera de Deusto neighbourhood, who passed on their know-how in frugal local gastronomy and traditional cuisine; and in ‘Artoakin Sortzen — Creating with Corn’, they learnt the ancestral and indigenous technique of weaving with maize leaves, thanks to the knowledge of Lola Altolaguirre.

Graphic Designer and Visual Artist Susana Blasco led the workshop ‘Collage Selfie’, in which students explored the technique of analogue collage using the process of creating a self-portrait as a leitmotif.

Last but not least, in ‘Somatic Design and Extended Realities’, together with Natalija Boljsakov, an Architect specialising in digital technologies for design, students explored the relationship between the body, the environment and technology, making practical use of computational design tools, with applications for motion tracking and real-time visualisation in augmented reality environments.

As a kind of closing for the WSW, an event was held to present and exhibit the pieces resulting from the intense week of work in which students explored and developed their talent and creativity, and created a community alongside classmates from other pathways and courses. As the perfect finale, the participants of ‘Reguisando’ provided a communal meal for the IED Kunsthal Bilbao community.

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