
22 April 2024

A meeting that brought together professionals from the sector, teachers and students from the Visual Arts school as well as other specialisations

The renowned illustrator, muralist and comic book author María Herreros (Valencia, 1983), visited IED Kunsthal Bilbao on 18 April to mark the launch of her latest graphic novel ‘Un barbero en la guerra’ [‘A Barber in the War’] (Lumen).

The artist, who is internationally recognised and appears in the Taschen catalogue as “one of the 100 most influential illustrators from around the world”, showed great generosity by sharing a journey through her work with participants, in which her personal experiences and her career as a professional in the publishing world were inextricably mixed. An account that went through her childhood and adolescence, her time at university, and the decisions she took to publicise her first fanzines, when her professional career began.

Doubts, emotional blocks, authorship and how to deal with a publishing commission were topics that the artist took the opportunity to share while reviewing her most iconic works, such as ‘Us: Stories of Women and More’, the book she illustrated for Rosa Montero, and ‘Georgia O’Keeffe’, a work she edited and illustrated about the American painter. 

Finally, the artist recounted the process that led her to write her latest creation, ‘Un barbero en la guerra’, a work that deals with universal themes such as human suffering, survival, loyalty, love, friendship and the ethical dilemmas that arise in times of war. María Herreros managed to connect with the audience thanks to her ability to make the most intimate and personal subjects universal; an ability that she also manages to convey in her works, through her powerful illustrations and sincere texts, characterised by great delicacy, simplicity and strength.

At the end of the talk, the author signed copies and enjoyed a relaxed moment with the audience in IED Kunsthal Bilbao’s Aula-Bar.

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