El IED Barcelona inaugura el año académico 2024-2025 con 292 estudiantes de 51 nacionalidades


27 September 2024

From 16 to 20 September, students took part in Welcome Week, during which they conducted various activities and workshops in an atmosphere of community co-creation.

On 13 September, IED Barcelona inaugurated the 2024-2025 academic year by celebrating the Welcome Event with 292 first-year students of the Degrees in Design, BA (Hons), Foundation in Global Design and IED Diplomas. The meeting, called ‘Let’s start together!’ allowed the new students — of 51 different nationalities — to orient themselves within the IED universe in two phases.

In the first part, Andrea Marchesi, Director of IED Barcelona, gave them some warm and inspiring words of welcome reflecting the great opportunity that the students have before them, as well as their consequent responsibility to take advantage of what their academic future offers them at IED. With design being a powerful economic, cultural and social tool, and with IED being unique in the way it supports them in their learning, the creation of a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable world is possible. Eduard Castañé, Deputy Director of IED Barcelona, ​​also introduced them to the rest of the academic team.

During this part of the event, students were also able to find out about the experience of an alumnus first-hand. Uri Casademont, Founder and Managing Director of Future Days, took to the stage to demonstrate the application of design in the present and the future through intimate perspectives of creativity, design, systemic innovation, as well as sharing his professional experience as an alumnus of IED Barcelona.

After this first phase dedicated to first-year students, students from other courses joined the Welcome event in a second celebratory element that included a performance by a guest DJ.

Later on, from 16 to 20 September, students took part in Welcome Week, during which they conducted various activities and workshops in an atmosphere of community co-creation.

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