Start date
March 2025
Full time
On campus
4 Months
8.100 €
Under the guidance of our professional teachers you experiment with ideation, learn how to take your concepts forward and acquire the practical and technical skills to test, model and present your designs professionally.
The Spring semester in Furniture design offers an insight in the Italian furnishing design culture, with a direct perspective on the manufacturing and design management process within the product supply chain.
The course offers an overview on the main case histories and analyzes the cultural, morphological and technical factors that generated the success of the Italian furniture design, highlighting the key quality factors in manufacturing.
Lessons run from Monday to Friday, morning and/or afternoon.
This education path includes a strategical combination of theoretical lectures and lab activities through team projects under the guidance of professionals of the industry.
The programme develops theoretical and practical knowledge of domestic and living spaces, focusing on technological tools, production processes and materials. A proper understanding of the company values, according to the contemporary market, is required.
Further to a research on the Italian design experience, new trends in terms of materials and forms, as well as on the technological innovation, you will focus on innovative materials which will be used to design furniture pieces as well as interior coating. As second project you will design furnishing objects for in living
or commercial spaces.
During this Semester you have the chance to visit the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, which is the most keenly awaited event in the world of furniture.
This is an intermediate program designed for students with at least one year of academic background or professional experience in Interior Design, Industrial Design, Furniture Design, Architecture Design. Applicants have to master representation techniques such as drawing, sketching and rendering, and visual communication skills such as computer graphics and rendering, as well as model making and verbal communication.