Diploma Accademico di Secondo Livello (DASL) in Product Design - IED Milano



Start date

October 2025


Full time


On campus


2 Years



Course Coordination

Marco Frigerio

How can product design lead to positive impact on the social, cultural, and ecological level?

Technological evolution in recent decades has brought significant changes across planning, production and application methods of Product Design, as it requires greater awareness of ethical implications of design on society and the environment.

The Master of Arts in Product Design. Techno-Bodies for Equal Futures will explore how product design can contribute to building a fairer future. The focus here is on physical and mental well-being of humans, other species and the environment, through a responsible use of technology. This approach fits into the vision of DesignXCommons, where design is regarded to integrate the commons and regenerate the planet.


Issued Degree:
Diploma Accademico di Secondo Livello (DASL), corresponding to a Master of Arts Degree (MA) – EQF7 Level (European Qualification Framework).


The course awards 120 CFA (Academic Formative Credits), corresponding to 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).


Information to decide

Using an interdisciplinary approach, this course covers ethical, social, cultural, and environmental issues involved in product design on a systemic basis, encouraging new design questions as a way to implement social, cultural, and ecological changes that can really make a difference. Through the study of ergonomics, sustainable materials and quick prototyping technologies, such as additive manufacturing, generative design, nanotechnology and lattice structures, the user-centred analysis is extended into the design of inclusive objects, tools, and scenarios that provide equal opportunities for all possible users, based on the concept of Universal Design. Spanning from the design and customisation of high-performance products for sports and fashion to implant engineering, the course explores how to design for the physical and mental well-being of all users and shape new ethical-material alliances between humans and technology.

Career roles that can be pursued with the degree programme in Product Design. Techno-Bodies for Equal Futures will be able to contribute to ethical and inclusive projects as they work with design firms and R&D departments in the areas of human-centred design, universal design, material design, design for new technologies, design driven innovation, design for human care, and design for technology transfer. Continuing in Ph.D. trajectories at Italian and foreign universities will also be an option.

The main software you will need during your course is provided by IED!

On this page you will find all the features you need for your computer. 



Marco Frigerio

Course Leader

Giulia Tomasello

Interaction Designer

Erica Petrillo

Curator and Researcher

Maria Fossati


Gabriela Galati

Gallerist , Professor and Researcher on Art and New Media

Alice Barki

Designer and Lecturer     

Eugenia Morpugo

Designer and Researcher

Francesco Leonardi

Innovation engineer, co-founder of Puntozero

Nicola Brambilla

Industrial Designer

Giuseppe Maffei

Sales & Marketing Manage

Sara Magnone


What people say

Product Design. Techno-Bodies for Equal Futures

The Course Coordinator describes the objectives, methodology and professional opportunities of the Master of Arts in Product Design.

Marco Frigerio


The world could be otherwise: making by making strange

"The world has become so flattened by routine that we no longer fully see the objects around us; we merely recognize them."

The workshop took place at Rifugio Amprimo (Val di Susa- Italy) and has been inspired by the statement of Russian theorist Viktor Shklovsky.
