
24 July 2024

We confirm our interest in the country and we sign a joint venture with CESAP - Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Artistico Do Porto that will create new training opportunities in Design and Fashion fields and enhance international exchanges.

IED signs an educational partnership with CESAP to codesign undergraduate and postgraduate training courses to be delivered in Porto in the fields of Fashion and Design trought the Escola Superior Artística do Porto.

The strength of this agreement lies in the nature of both institutions: IED, now owned by the Francesco Morelli Foundation and with a history of almost sixty years behind, since 2022 has been a Benefit Corporation. Its DNA is based on generating shared value for the community and the environment, with a commitment to operating responsibly, sustainably and transparently towards people, communities and territories. ESAP is owned by CESAP, a non-profit public benefit institution with an over forty year history and a pedagogical mission in the service of Art.

Both are conceived as a research observatory and a link between the academic world and the labour market and, together, they will explore how to translate their educational systems and converge methodologies and know-how into courses relevant to the needs of today's creative industries.

We are excited to begin this new adventure with CESAP, which aims to enrich the educational landscape in design and fashion in Portugal with new stimuli and opportunities. It is an extremely vital market that we have already to approach with enthusiasm. In CESAP we have found the ideal high-profile partner to continue spreading design culture by looking at the world through the transformative approach of Design, sharing a method that combines theory with practice brougth by active professionals as teachers. In addition to the value of the programmes we are co-designing, we are convinced that this collaboration will promote new exchanges and student flows between Portugal and the countries where IED is present - Italy, Spain and Brazil - also leading to new synergies on an institutional and corporate level,’ comments Riccardo Balbo, Chief Academic Officer of the IED Group.

IED is not an entirely new player on the Portuguese design scene, having been a partner of Modalisboa for the last four editions. It has been in charge of promoting local talent through the Sangue Novo contest offering the winners of the young fashion designers competition two master's scholarships at the IED venues in Florence and Milan, one for spring 2023 and another one last march 2024.

The specific programmes and the faculty will be presented in the autumn.

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