At Istituto Europeo di Design we look at reality through the lens of Design, to understand it and to study its evolution.
The world we live in is increasingly interconnected, resources are scarce and many places are the stage of growing eco-social injustices. In this scenario, the question we ask ourselves is: how can design contribute to a more equitable and inclusive future?
At IED we consider design as a transformative platform capable of provoking significant changes and responding to the changing needs of society and the environment. The common goal is to formulate new design questions by anticipating future challenges and to identify emerging scenarios.
Starting from these reflections, we decided to expand our training offer with 10 new Master of Arts courses (DASL)* designed under the broader vision of DesignXCommons: in other words, Design applied to the regeneration, integration and sharing of common goods.
*The Diploma Accademico di Secondo Livello (DASL) has the same legal value of a Master of Arts. The courses are subject to authorisation by MUR for A.Y. 2024/25
The courses

Placing the perspective of commons at the basis of these courses means realizing how much design has always had and continues to have a social role in making a more equal future accessible to all - whether this is linked to the themes of diversity, community or availability of resources and services.
Common goods are defined as the set of resources, material and immaterial, relating to multiple communities of people and which can therefore be considered the collective heritage of humanity.
Examples of common goods are land, water, forests and even the atmosphere, climate, biodiversity, but also knowledge, patents, local knowledge, the internet, the mobility systems, healthcare, food and social security. How to recognise, manage, share and distribute common resources is an act of design called Commoning: a dynamic relationship between the good and the community that takes care of it, a process that constantly transforms all the parties involved in the bond and which consists in the project of relationship itself.

DesignXCommons - Commons and Commoning
Angela Rui, design curator and researcher, Head of MA Programs at IED Milano, introduces DesignXCommons.

DesignXCommons - Learning environment
Which learning experiences and design practices within DesignXCommons?

DesignXCommons - Design applications and stakeholders
What kind of design applications and which interactions with the stakeholders of DesignXCommons?

DesignXCommons - Future perspectives
How to look at the future through the lens of DesignXCommons?
News, events and in-depth content related to DesignXCommons
Textiles in the digital era
In Florence, a talk on circularity with Marlene Woolford, David Shah and Vittorio Giomo.

THE GLITCH CAMP: Milan Design Week made more accessible to young people
An urban campsite will host Design students under 30 coming to the city for the Salone del Mobile free of charge
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