Start date
October 2025
Full time
On campus
2 Years
Course Coordination
Adelaide Testa, Andrea Marcante
How can designing private and public areas bring innovative methods and sustainable practices into action, while opening up new directions for Interior Design practice?
In a world of increasing global challenges brought about by climate change, the role of Interior Design in shaping the relationship between inclusive spaces and communities has become of paramount importance.
The Master of Arts in Interior Design. Eco-approaches to contemporary living explores the design of physical and mental space, whether individual or collective, through mindful use of both tangible and intangible shared resources. This approach fits into the vision of DesignXCommons, where design is regarded to integrate the commons and regenerate the planet.
Environments. New technologies for art, culture and the local community will cover the design of interactive and multimedia spaces, services and tools as exchange platforms that can help replenish cultural, artistic and historical heritage of different places. This approach fits into the vision of DesignXCommons, where design is regarded to bring together the commons and regenerate the planet.
Issued Degree:
Diploma Accademico di Secondo Livello (DASL), corresponding to a Master of Arts Degree (MA) – EQF7 Level (European Qualification Framework).
The course awards 120 CFA (Academic Formative Credits), corresponding to 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
* This course is undergoing approval by MUR - Ministry of University and Research – for the academic year 2024-25. The information on this page will be updated once the approval process has been completed.
Using an interdisciplinary approach, this course seeks to build on technical and project design skills required for interior design. This know-how expands as students becoming more aware of how design solutions can have an impact on society and the environment around us. Based on this approach, it will be possible to carry out projects generating significant change across social, cultural and environmental dimensions. The design of private and public areas takes shape in a dynamic learning environment where students explore how Interior Design can contribute to equity and social-ecological justice, while minimising the impact of climate change on communities. The programme fosters respect of biodiversity through sustainable approaches that can favourably affect the surrounding ecosystem and foster ethical practices, paying close attention to such factors as regulations, energy efficiency and the use of low-impact materials. Co-designing work with companies, organisations and a variety of stakeholders who share the same sustainability values will contribute to creating a collaborative ecosystem where hands-on projects are developed using critical and strategic thinking.
Career roles that can be pursued with the degree programme in Interior Design. Eco-approaches to contemporary living will be able to work more consciously and strategically on innovative projects in the areas of interior design and architecture, as they approach interior design across multiple dimensions, from concept development to operational supervision. Key areas of employment include product design, that is furniture design based on sustainable materials and production systems. Job opportunities are also available in the publishing industry, working as editing staff and curators to produce critical texts and visual materials. Finally, other career paths include the museum industry, developing a variety of exhibition, educational and interactive spaces. Continuing in Ph.D. trajectories at Italian and foreign universities will also be an option.
Course Coordinators describe the goal, the methodology and the professional opportunities of the Master of Arts in Interior Design.