Saving by sharing IED Barcelona Arola Velasco Moreno

Academic year


Honorable Mention, 2024 IED Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue Award for the Best Interior Design Thesis at IED Barcelona

Social housing for single-parent families suffering from energy poverty. In Spain, where the project is located, more than 80% of these families are headed by women. The student has designed a proposal to provide them with a better quality of life, surrounded by a supportive community with which, by sharing services and responsibilities, costs are reduced.

“Saving by sharing” offers two levels of community living (spaces shared among all residents and spaces shared among three or four families) and private units for each family with essential amenities.

The main materials used are pine wood, the brick from the original walls of the Ca l’Alier building — as a tribute to the original construction in which the homes are located — and white plaster.

With the implementation of sustainable spatial solutions, this social housing proposal offers a more inclusive and affordable economic recovery. Energy-efficient social housing can be the path to achieving social equity and environmental sustainability.

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