Ciclo IED Barcelona Hana Abdelaziz

Academic year


Honorable Mention, Best Design Thesis 2024

A supermarket with a revolutionary new shopping experience aiming to raise awareness of and transform consumer habits to reduce food waste.

The interior space is divided into sections organised from low to high environmental impact, visually and spatially reinforcing the importance of sustainable options. At the checkout, customers also receive information on the carbon emissions associated with their purchases, which promotes environmental awareness.

The supermarket also has a mobile application that connects to smart shopping trolleys and allows a weekly shopping plan to be generated including the precise quantities of each necessary product.

The project includes a low-carbon footprint restaurant and a vertical garden that provides the store with fresh produce. The supermarket also uses anaerobic digestion to convert food waste into energy.

As for the materials used, “Ciclo” uses bamboo and cork for the floors and bio-based materials for insulation, displays and other accessories.