
09 September 2024

Greta Cecini and Anna Zonca's Animation Thesis gains the Best Nextgen Short Film award dedicated to the younger generation.

It was on the shortlist and, in the end, it topped it, winning the Best Nextgen Short Film award: A perfect storm, an IED Milan animation short film made by Greta Cecini and Anna Zonca with the sound designer Andrea Platania, stood out at the Milan Short Film Festival 2024. In addition to its technical quality, what won over was the delicate and touching topic that the Animation thesis project deals with. The story follows the daily routine of a cashier who, along the day, faces a series of annoying inconveniences, so much so that they undermine her emotional balance: only the intervention of her daughter, a child with a hilarious imagination, will manage to improve the situation (a frame in the image).


Evaluating the competing films and deciding the winners of the Milano Short Film Festival was a board composed of JULIA SOBOLEVA (painter), TEYMOUR TEHRANI (writer and director), ALICE PALCHETTI (fiction and documentary director) CARLO DE TOGNI (animation director), DIYANA AMIR (screenwriter and director), RAFFAELE GRASSO (screenwriter and director), CARLA MASSOLINI (screenwriter and director), GIANNI RUSSO (artistic director of the Festival, founder and President of Piano B Produzioni).

The winning Animation thesis is part of a series of awards won by IED's Visual Arts projects, to which the high technological (as well as educational) standard of the courses also contributes. Since 2015, for example, IED has been certified as a COE (Centre of Excellence) Toonboom (leading software in 2D animation), with lecturers qualified to teach it and with licensing agreements dedicated to students.

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