Start date
October 2025
On campus
9 Months
Specialise in the development of sales strategies for products or services. Work with brands as the constantly evolving, dynamic entities they are, in a market that demands continuous innovation.
Send your message to the world. In this Master's Degree in Communication, Marketing and Advertising Management you’ll take an in-depth look at every stage of brand management and the processes that go into planning an advertising campaign: from writing the brief to the final artwork, from establishing the goals and determining the budget to assessing the results.
You’ll study the new market ecosystem and the role played by brands, agencies and consulting firms, along with the methods used in creative and conceptualisation processes to develop successful advertising campaigns.
We’ll take a close look at how the digital age has changed communication, marketing and advertising in recent years, as you develop a professional profile that meets the most demanding requirements of companies operating in the sector.
A master's degree with professionals who have already made their mark and are eager to pass on what they’ve learned working for top companies.
By completing the Master's Degree in Communication, Marketing and Advertising Management at the IED Madrid, you will access an interdisciplinary learning experience that will complement your knowledge and skills, preparing you to be a unique profile in the professional market.
IED Madrid programs are project-based. This means that all the teaching and learning processes that you will deal with evolve around project development.
The Master's Degree in Communication, Marketing and Advertising Management is for degree holders, graduates and professionals who want a comprehensive understanding of the phases involved in selling a product or building a brand, from marketing to advertising and communication.
Specialists in some of the phases of the process can fill in the gaps, learning the ins and outs of the other phases involved.
If you want in-depth insight of the field to develop your professional skills and know-how in marketing, strategy, communication, advertising, digital and social networks, this is the program for you.
A hands-on, practice-based master's degree to acquire the skills you need to stand out on a competitive market.
There’s no better way to learn what’s happening in the sector today than from professionals working with top companies, eager to pass on what they’ve learned. You’ll finish the program presenting a project based on a real brief from a prominent marketer as the final thesis for your master's degree.
On completion of this master's degree you’ll have acquired a wealth of skills of undeniable interest for companies on today's market, always on the lookout for a qualified, cutting-edge profile.