Start date
November 2025
Full time
10 Months
Course Coordination
Giorgio Brugo
12.800 €
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Use your design skills to deliver user-friendly, immersive experiences for the people, and also to create value for businesses and memorable experiences across digital media. This is what the Master's Program in User Experience Design at IED Milano is all about
Learn how to design experiences and interfaces that make interaction on digital media easy, intuitive and enjoyable, with a strong focus on human needs.
The Master's Program in User Experience Design will help you understand how crucial user experience is for a brand and for a business today. You will also find out how to take user experience to the next level, building up your professional future day by day.
Helping companies design powerful experiences
The Master's Program in User Experience Design at IED Milano is for those like you who want to understand what lies beyond the interaction with a product. This training is specifically designed for those who feel a strong need to explore how different perspectives come together to create a user experience, going across technology, knowledge, relationships, aesthetics and emotions.
You can feel confident taking this Master's Program to complete your education, no matter what your background is, whether your undergraduate studies were in design, visual arts, and architecture, or in business, humanities, communications and psychology.
You will soon realize that this programme provides a contemporary, inspiring and fresh specialization track, where theory, strategic thinking and practical work are blended together to help you successfully move into the professional design experience environment.
The Master's Program in User Experience Design at IED Milano is for those like you who want to understand what lies beyond the interaction with a product. This training is specifically designed for those who feel a strong need to explore how different perspectives come together to create a user experience, going across technology, knowledge, relationships, aesthetics and emotions.
You can feel confident taking this Master's Program to complete your education, no matter what your background is, whether your undergraduate studies were in design, visual arts, and architecture, or in business, humanities, communications and psychology.
You will soon realize that this programme provides a contemporary, inspiring and fresh specialization track, where theory, strategic thinking and practical work are blended together to help you successfully move into the professional design experience environment.
The Master's Program in User Experience Design is the first IED blended native programme. The theory part of the course is delivered on-line, but still without losing the opportunity for discussion, for sharing and networking between students and teachers.
Classroom lessons, which will be held jointly and in synergy, will include a number of activities that will enrich your learning experience as you work on project development and implementation tasks.
This is a new, proactive and inclusive training programme developed right in the midst of the pandemic, in an effort to break down geographical barriers and experiment with new approaches to work.
This is a Master's Program where you have the opportunity to work on real-life project design tasks. From day one, you will be challenged to think and create like a professional designer, learning how to apply specialist tools to the real world.
You will experience co-creative and collaborative learning methods. You will also practice teamwork and put yourself to the test working with our partner companies as they bring real-world projects into the classroom. This will be a great opportunity for you to take the challenge and work hands-on all along the practical phase of your programme.
This Master's Program provides a variety of career opportunities across creative, project-intensive, and also data-driven companies, all of them currently experiencing very strong growth rates. It also fulfils job requirements from agencies and consulting firms, companies specialising in user research, interface design, and user interaction design.
The main software you will need during your course is provided by IED!
On this page you will find all the features you need for your computer.
The study plan delves into all the activities involved in acquiring a full vision of the experience development ecosystem. After a general overview of User Experience in all its dimensions and applications, this programme will provide analytical and technical insights into the main software packages and specialist tools required to manage a UX project.
Special emphasis is given to design development as you work on projects with our partner companies. The work approach is that of a project team.
Design Process & Ops
Information architecture
Heuristic evaluation and usability
Responsible Design
Research Methods
User Testing
Psychology and Neuroscience
Human Computer Interaction
UX Writing
Analytics & C.R.O.
Wireframing & Prototyping
Design System
Thesis Project