Start date
June 2025
Full time
3 Weeks
€ 2.600
An introduction to the themes of art managements through elements of project management, analysis and visits to different institutions and a final practical workshop that will put together the competences gained during the course.
The course is meant to be a stimulating and intriguing introduction to the themes of art management through a glimpse into art debates, elements of project management, analysis and visits to different institutions and their management different approaches and a final practical workshop that will put together the competences gained during the course. It is designed to bring the student in direct contact with different models of institutional and more experimental culture and art management through on site visits and to understand the different skills needed to plan a project from writing to budgeting. The visits are planned in common with the course of Museum Experience to give the opportunity to students to exchange ideas on the future programming of activities and to foster a better understanding of all the different roles and competences in the art institutions.
The visits might include museums such as Uffizi, Palazzo Pitti, Museo and Villa bardini, Museo Novecento, Palazzo Strozzi, Villa Roaman, The Recovery Plan, Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci.
The course is based mainly on learning by doing methodology. The knowledge proposed covers different areas form a theoretical one to a managerial one and always involves the student in a dialogic and active participation in class to stimulate an experiential and collective experience where his/her voice can be expressed. The class activity will closely relate with a programme of visits to different institutions that will permit a direct contact and observation to the different management possibilities in the public and private sector, in the more structured organizations as well as in the more experimental ones. The last part of the course is dedicated to an event design workshop to give the possibility to test the skills learned.
The course is divided in 4 operational areas that dialogue together, the first one is an introduction to the most important artistic and cultural debates to ground the understanding of the art world. The second area is more technical and project management oriented, where all the phases and different skills are analysed, from writing a project to budgeting to communicating it.
During the course there is an intense programme of visits on site where the different art spaces and institutions will be studied in their management and programming models.
The last area will guide students in designing a proposal for an event.
The course is intended for students who have competence or basic professional expertise in the area of study and are interested in developing their professional skills. Participants must be keen to explore arts and culture spaces, events and trends.