

Start date

January 2026




On campus


10 Months

Become a creative director, complementing your skills in graphic design with strategic vision, a holistic approach and a systemic idea-development perspective

The Master's Degree in Creative Direction for Graphic Design gives you the resources you need to find solutions for complex challenges using advanced systemic design, art direction and visual identity methods. Develop strategies to solve design problems adopting a practice-based approach, create adaptable visual systems and manage creative projects with an integral vision.

The graphic design industry is constantly evolving, and creative direction has become a key element to build brands with purpose, generate cohesive visual narratives and lead design innovation processes. This course gives you the resources to play a fundamental role in the evolution of the sector, integrating digital skills, sustainable design and collaborative methodologies.

Information to decide

This master’s degree is for graphic designers who want to become creative directors, combining strategy, innovation and leadership. With a flexible and exploratory mind-set, you’ll use digital tools and artisanal techniques to create innovative visual solutions for a market in continuous evolution.

The Master’s Degree in Creative Direction for Graphic Design is a practice-based course. You’ll explore graphic design from a variety of different perspectives with the help of the Master's coordinator in personalized tutoring sessions to take your creative process to the next level.

The course takes a holistic approach to acquire in-depth knowledge of the key areas of creative direction:

  • Systemic thinking and sustainability in graphic design
  • Art direction and creating visual systems
  • Visual storytelling and creative project management

The learning experience is enhanced in workshops, seminars, visits and conferences taught by professionals working in the world of international design, communication and creativity. Students are encouraged to work with students taking other courses to generate synergies and expand their professional perspective.

The Master’s Degree in Creative Direction for Graphic Design is for graphic designers and professionals from the sector who want to take their creative process to the next level, consolidating their leadership in art direction.

A course for the creative directors of the future, people who know how to integrate design, strategy and management and lead teams proposing innovative graphic design solutions.

You will learn to:

  • Understand systemic thinking and use it in graphic design
  • Develop design strategies to solve complex problems.
  • Design adaptable visual systems and create flexible brand identities.
  • Integrate sustainability principles and ethics in graphic design.
  • Use both digital and artisanal skills to create innovative proposals.
  • Promote interdisciplinary collaboration in creative environments.
  • Use adaptive design and drive visual innovation.
  • Manage projects and optimize workflows to guarantee visual and conceptual coherence on multiple platforms.

At the end of the master, you’ll be ready to play a key role in design agencies, creative studies and branding companies, working as a:

  • Creative Director
  • Art Director
  • Visual Innovation Leader
  • Creative Project Manager
  • Visual Communication and Branding Consultant

What’s more, you’ll be studying in Barcelona, one of the most dynamic and creative cities in the design world, immersed in an innovative ecosystem, in contact with major players in the sector.


There are three thematic modules in the master’s degree course, in which you can develop an integral vision of how creative direction can be effectively used in graphic design.

Module 1: Systemic Thinking and Innovation Strategies

This module focuses on building a solid base in systemic thinking and applying design strategies to sustainability, problem solving and creative solutions.


· Principles of Systemic Design and Sustainability in Design

· Graphic Design Problem-Solving Methods

· Innovation and Adaptability in Graphic Design

Module 2: Art Direction and Creating Visual Systems

In this module you’ll develop your team management skills and discover how to create visual systems for a specific brand identity.


· Art Direction and Cohesive Visual Systems

· Information Design and Data Display

· Project Management and Work Flow Optimization

Module 3: Integral Creative Direction Projects for Graphic Design

This module is designed as a project laboratory to put all the know-how you’ve acquired in the previous modules into practice. Adopting a practical and experimental approach, you’ll work on real or personal integral projects, to find solutions for today’s challenges in graphic design and creative direction.


You’ll learn to lead in every stage of the creative process, from the initial ideation to the final implementation of the project, taking strategic decisions and developing solid and adaptable visual systems. You’ll develop the skills needed to manage multidisciplinary teams and optimize workflows to guarantee the visual and conceptual coherence of each project.

The module prioritizes creating and consolidating a solid and competitive portfolio showcasing your ability to conceptualize and develop high-impact graphic design projects. This portfolio, featuring your best work, is the most effective way to illustrate your skills in the creation of visual systems, art direction and project management.
