Academic year


Emotivity and Personalization to Reconnect the Car with Its Driver

The thesis proposes a two-seater spider car designed to re-establish an emotional connection between the driver and the object. Each customer receives the same base model, but personalization occurs over time through the rituals and habits of the owner, making each vehicle unique.

The project uses materials that evolve over time to reflect the driver's personality and is inspired by the Eclisse lamp, characterized by its two spherical shells and the ability to adapt the environment through the play of light.

The goal is to create a car that not only adapts to individual needs but also establishes a strong emotional bond with its owner.

With the advent of electric vehicles and the adoption of increasingly stringent regulations on batteries, size, and weight, the automotive industry is undergoing a major transformation. For this reason, Suzuki challenged Transportation Design students to design a compact, eco-friendly city car that would appeal to younger generations. The response was a Japanese-inspired K-car for the European market, combining innovation with the latest trends in the automotive industry.

Thesis Supervisor: Fulvio Fantolino

Assistant Supervisor: Michele Albera