Academic year
2014 - 2015
The concept car features a design inspired by the art of origami, with a metal composite exterior and a diamond-shaped cabin. The vehicle has four integrated electric motors, ensuring zero emissions and a silent driving experience. Shiwa is an IICV (Individual Identity Companion Vehicle) that adapts to passengers' preferences and habits, recognising them through fingerprinting.
The model was developed in collaboration with Model Resine, Newcast Services, OZ Racing, Pirelli and built by CECOMP
Shiwa is the brainchild of Youngjin Shim (Korea); Luca Menicacci (Italy) And Jaykishan Vithalbhai Lakhani (India), Interior Development Jose Ignacio Martinez Flores (Ecuador), Worked on the Project: Chen Lujia (China); Charles Frederic Nestor Carrupt (Switzerland); Mikhail D. Souza (India); Qichang Li (China); Kejin Pan (China); Alparslan Turhan (Turkey); Gaurav Udavant (India) E Honghu Zhang (China), students of the Master in Transportation Design a.y. 2014/15, under the coordination of Alessandro Cipolli, Master's Degree Coordinator, and Davide Tealdi and under the supervision of Fulvio Fantolino.