Academic year


Reconfiguring the Human-Object Relationship: A Return to Essence in Contemporary Fashion

This thesis explores how, in contemporary society, objects have lost their intimate and personal significance, becoming standardized and predefined products that limit individual creativity and imagination. This phenomenon, driven by market dynamics, has turned fashion into a mere commodity, devoid of expressive authenticity.

The project aims to overcome this impersonality through a creative rebirth that rejects imposed meanings, rediscovers the pure essence of objects, and creates new independent values.

The research envisions a timeless dimension in which objects, freed from their pre-established definitions, acquire new meanings through personal interaction, to redefine fashion as a means of original and individual expression.

The Fashion Design thesis projects aim to explore how new generations can contribute to redefining the future of fashion, combining aesthetics and sustainability: "dressing well" becomes an act of personal expression that avoids anonymity, focusing on quality garments made with attention to detail and respect for the environment. The theses seek to outline a new global language of tailoring, inclusive and without boundaries, that combines beauty, sustainability, and tradition, offering an innovative vision for the fashion of the future.

Thesis Supervisor: Alessandra Montanaro
Assistant Supervisor: Alessandro Turci