Academic year


The students of the Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design, in collaboration with CICAP, worked on the MIRA project.

Journalism is one of the fundamental elements for the proper functioning of democracy. The main task of this sector is to inform citizens about global and institutional events, providing accurate data and offering a platform for a diversity of opinions, thus promoting pluralism. However, it is evident that contemporary journalism is in a phase of crisis and is no longer able to fulfill the central role of mediator that it once had.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking on an increasingly central role in the field of journalism. The relationship between journalism and AI, and the impact of the latter, is analyzed starting from the current complications in the world of journalism. To support this thesis, some real examples of how AIs concretely operate in the journalistic sector and the related consequences on society have been reported.

The result is MIRA, a software that provides users with all the tools to evaluate the accuracy of online news.