Academic year


The video of Chiara Senese, selected among the best Styling projects at the IED Milano Master's Course in Fashion Communication & Styling course.

We live in a society where words have become so fast that they surpass our thoughts. The intention is to express how, by pronouncing words incorrectly, unpleasant feelings can be caused in people. To do this, a professional path based on "being" has been chosen.

The journey begins with a mysterious encounter between the self and society, which creates a protagonist who is stunned by the words of others and by comparisons. The main subject's goal will be to free themselves from social judgment and overcome the feeling of being on the margins. However, they will do so without ever losing sight of the mystery that surrounds them and without ever falling into the trap of revealing themselves through a game of layering.

Only in the end, when words become history and experiences become flesh, will the protagonist be able to reach a full self-awareness and accept themselves in their existence. This will allow them to become a living and authentic presence in society, without ever forgetting the importance of the mystery and complexity of human beings.