Academic year


The video of Costanza Baio, Rosario D'Aversa and Flaminia Tonnicchi selected among the best styling projects at the IED Milano Master's Course in Fashion Communication & Styling.

The concept of the thesis starts from the idea of dreaming and imagining an ideal life. We analyzed how the human mind can create a completely different and parallel world, where it is possible to be what everyone desires, without social limits and constraints.

We chose to develop this deep and complicated theme with a completely different, light-hearted, and ironic approach.

At the end of his working day, a man from a wealthy family unleashes his imagination. Lying on his couch, he starts fantasizing about being a female quiz show host from the 80s. The show takes inspiration from the iconic Italian game show "OK IL PREZZO È GIUSTO", especially for its aesthetics and formats represented.

The main goal of this project is to give the audience the freedom to interpret the story and its message in the way they prefer. It is about escaping reality to find a space where being oneself does not entail social judgments.