Academic year
Broken Chords is a captivating CG-animated story that follows the adventures of Renée, a young girl who mysteriously awakens within the ruins of an ancient theater shrouded in mystery. To her astonishment and unease, Renée discovers she has a wooden hand, a detail as enigmatic as it is intriguing. Driven by a desire to uncover the truth about her past and what brought her to this strange place, the young protagonist embarks on a thrilling journey through breathtaking yet perilous environments. Facing unpredictable challenges and encountering unusual creatures, Renée must summon the courage to confront the secrets hidden within the theater.
Project by: Valentina De Paola, Sara Duvia, Alice Gallina, Marco Sergio Ghidotti, Luca Marri, Gaia Ugo Sala from the Bachelor’s Degree in CG Animation, and Christian Galdini from the Bachelor’s Degree in Sound Design.