Academic year


Interweaving Identities: Fashion as Personal Narrative.

The thesis explores the intimate nuances that define our identities, using clothing as an expressive medium of personal evolution. Each garment tells a story fragment, celebrating inner beauty and the dialogue between sensuality and sexuality. Fashion becomes a political statement, affirming the right to exist without censorship.

The collection plays with contrasts — heavy and light, fluid and structured — featuring oversized pieces with simple lines that erase the form. Deep necklines and contrasting fabrics invite reflection on personal stories.

The colour palette, ranging from dark tones to vibrant hues, celebrates rebirth and cyclical change. Reworked knitwear and unique details represent the different phases of the individual growth journey.

The Fashion Design thesis projects aim to explore how new generations can contribute to redefining the future of fashion, combining aesthetics and sustainability: "dressing well" becomes an act of personal expression that avoids anonymity, focusing on quality garments made with attention to detail and respect for the environment. The theses seek to outline a new global language of tailoring, inclusive and without boundaries, that combines beauty, sustainability, and tradition, offering an innovative vision for the fashion of the future.

Thesis Supervisor: Alessandra Montanaro
Assistant Supervisor: Alessandro Turci