Academic year


“The objects we surround ourselves with tell something about ourselves, and our home is par excellence the container that holds our most intimate and fragile fragments of identity”.

“But to what extent does the place we inhabit remain a safe nest in which to keep our memories and desires, and when does the warm domestic embrace squeeze us so tightly that we can no longer get out, turning into a cage from which we find it difficult to detach ourselves?” From this question comes “Abitanti”, a fashion collection that tells the stories of those who live in an imaginary dwelling and the journey they will embark on to leave it, taking with them only what is necessary for their inner growth. The collection takes its cue from the materials and colours that filled houses in the Victorian era - among the earliest evidence of dwellings used to express and worship their owner's identity - in a worn and weathered version, while retaining elements of richness and luxury and emulating the shapes of objects and draperies typical of dwellings.