Academic year

2004 - 2005

X 1/99 the concept car made by the students of the Master's program in Transportation Design in collaboration with Fiat

The car's name refers to the Fiat X 1/9 of the 1970s, the starting point for developing the more advanced design of a sporty and versatile coupe-cabrio designed for daily urban and suburban use with an innovative multifunctional sunroof.

The model was made in collaboration with CECOMP, Webasto 

X 1/99 is a project carried out by Fabio Bisson, Christian Cudly, Tony Gatta, Luis Huertas, Cristiano Nishimura, Michele Salvatore, José Hernandez Wong, students of the RSP Master in Transportation Design - work experience in the a.y. 2003-2004 followed by Lowie Vermeersch, Pininfarina Designer and Master Coordinator and monitored by Michael Robinson, Brand Promotion Fiat and Gianni Frigatti, Marketing Fiat. Project tutors José Maria Alonso Garcia, Andrea Loi, Carlo Palazzani,