Postgrado en Diseño de vestidos de novia y ceremonia IED Barcelona


13 August 2024

The dresses are inspired by the iconic designer’s universe and fused with the aesthetics of Cristina Tamborero's bridal brand as well as each student's personal vision to offer unique and meaningful designs.

From the concept to the production of a final dress. The universe of Coco Chanel has been extremely present throughout the design process of the 12 collection proposals developed by students of the Postgraduate in Wedding and Ceremony Dresses Design at IED Barcelona for Cristina Tamborero's bridal fashion brand.

As part of their final project for the programme, and driven by their own particular vision, each of the students created 10 looks inspired by the unmistakable style of the French designer who revolutionised women’s fashion, fusing them with Tamborero’s characteristic romanticism and delicacy.

The result? Dresses with clean cuts and lines made from comfortable and fluid fabrics — without forgetting the iconic tweed — designed for elegant, modern and empowered brides. With details of embroidery, pearls — so representative of Coco Chanel — buttons and hats. Each student has also added their own personal touch to the Chanel imagery by proposing garments with carefully crafted sleeves, asymmetries or corsets, 3D lace, bows, or hints of colour in black, silver or blue, among others.

Students also developed a second collection of 10 dresses that also formed part of the final project of the postgraduate course. On this occasion, they took an entirely personal theme as a starting point, which they also materialised in a final dress.

L’Escola de Disseny Floral i Paisatgisme [The School of Floral and Landscape Design] collaborated in the creation of the bridal bouquets. In the case of the collection for Cristina Tamborero, in some proposals, it reinterpreted a classic Chanel bag by way of this accessory.


  1. Andrea Barbato Santamarina. Collection for Cristina Tamborero: “Esencia” [“Essence”] / Personal collection: “El Jardín de mi familia” [“My Family’s Garden”]
  2. Viviana Pacuru Merchan. Collection for Cristina Tamborero: “Agnés” / Personal collection: “KYOMU”
  3. Vanessa Campos Sánchez. Collection for Cristina Tamborero: “La Dolce Vita” / Personal collection: “Bella Donna”
  4. Josefina Paz Frías Andrade. Collection for Cristina Tamborero: “Encantos Sutiles” [“Subtle Charms”] / Personal collection: “Presencia Eterna” [“Eternal Presence”]
  5. Edurne Roldán Sandua. Collection for Cristina Tamborero: “Cygnets” / Personal collection: “Jardín estelar” [“Stellar Garden”]
  6. Isabella Palacio Azocar. Collection for Cristina Tamborero: “Tejiendo caminos” [“Weaving Paths”] / Personal collection: “Las aves tienen voces y nos susurran sus secretos” [“The birds have voices and whisper their secrets to us”]
  7. Marcela Arnabal Cava. Collection for Cristina Tamborero: “Folia” / Personal collection: “Flos”
  8. Úrsula López Calvo. Collection for Cristina Tamborero: “Elegancia Atemporal” [“Timeless Elegance”] / Personal collection: “Arquitectura Orgánica” [“Organic Architecture”]
  9. Sofia Cecilia Tonola TaciasCollection for Cristina Tamborero: “Se triunfa con lo que se aprende” [“You triumph with what you learn”] / Personal collection: “Sissi. Oltre u miei limite”
  10. Isabella Villarroel. Collection for Cristina Tamborero: “La Perla del Torero” [“The Bullfighter’s Pearl”] / Personal collection: “Bajo las Cadenas del Autor” [“Under the Author’s Chains”]
  11. Jone González ChavesCollection for Cristina Tamborero: “Alma de Nácar” [“Mother of Pearl Soul”] / Personal collection: “Ecos del Tiempo” [“Echoes of Time”]
  12. Giorgia Vasini. Collection for Cristina Tamborero: “Dans Le Jardin de Coco” / Personal collection: “Eleganza Scultorea”

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