El IED Barcelona, más Barcelona que nunca


29 May 2024

Three exhibitions, a fashion show and an interactive installation will break out of the classrooms to take over the city and bring the design and innovation experienced within the School closer to citizens

Three exhibitions, a fashion show and an interactive installation all in emblematic spaces, coupled with events at the forefront of the future of creative industries. Throughout the month of June, a wide selection of final degree projects by students in the last year of their Fashion, Product and Interior Design, and Visual Arts courses from IED Barcelona will break out of the classrooms to take over the city and bring the design and innovation experienced within the School closer to citizens.

On 4 June at 7 pm, the Museu de l’Art Prohibit will host an exhibition of final thesis projects by Graphic Design students. Entitled “Languages of the forbidden”, the proposal is composed of objects, icons, codes and messages that are revealed through visual communication, and that interpret the forbidden from a variety of cultural perspectives and readings thanks to the visual arts.

From 7 June to 8 July, La Casa de la Llum, the meeting and innovation space for light culture by the multinational Simon, will be home to an exhibition of final thesis projects by Product Design students from both the English and Spanish courses. The exhibition, held within the framework of the first IED Alfaro Hofmann Collection Award, takes up the theme of this year’s Design theses: “Energy. Designing positive”; with products that understand energy as a source for our survival, and present solutions in which it generates a positive impact.

Along the same lines, from 5 to 13 June, we will see proposals that explore how to create, store, optimise and improve the energy of sustainable spaces in the Interior Design exhibition “Energy. Designing positive” that will be hosted by the Fundació Enric Miralles on the occasion of the second edition of the IED Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue Award for Best Interior Design Thesis at IED Barcelona. The exhibition is also included in the programme of the 2024 Architecture Weeks.

Fashioners of the World and Project Area Sónar+D

On 10 June at 8 pm, at the legendary La Paloma dance hall, we will celebrate the 20th edition of IED Barcelona’s Final Fashion Show. “Fashioners of the World” will see 25 Fashion Design students present their final collections, demonstrating, once again, the School’s leadership in education and training in this discipline. Proposals of a very high technical and creative level that will compete for 4+1 accolades awarded by an international jury: the Franca Sozzani Award for Best Fashion Collection, the Isabel Coixet Award for Best Fashion Film, the Manuel Outumuro Award for Best Shooting, and the Jordi Labanda Award for Best Fashion Illustration. In addition, this year has seen the birth of a fifth award: the IEDxCommons Impact Award, focusing on the value of design as a tool for the common good.

Last but not least, from 13 to 15 June, IED Barcelona will present “Unwoven memories” by the Motion Graphics and Video alumnus Thinh Truong in Project Area of Sónar+D. An installation in the format of a black box that, using binary code, connects the memories of the residents of Colonia Güell and transforms them into a range of creative elements, such as a physical tapestry, an audiovisual projection, a book of memoirs and a new typeface.

Beyond paying homage to the collective stories of a community, this work — which has also recently been exhibited at Blanc Festival and OFFF — weaves a narrative of great conceptual strength and visual development to invite the viewer to rediscover the beauty hidden in the little objects found in our everyday environments.

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