Diseños contra la violencia de género  Estudiantes de 4o año de Product Design del IED Barcelona se han sumado a la iniciativa “Banco Rojo”


29 November 2024

One of the proposals will be installed at the Consulate General of Italy in Barcelona

Fourth-year Product Design students from IED Barcelona have designed nine benches that reflect their vision of the fight against gender violence. Developed within the “Ephemeral Project” subject, tutored by Álex Estévez, the prototypes were presented to the Consul General of the Consulate General of Italy in Barcelona, ​​Emanuele Manzitti, as part of the “Red Bench” initiative on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. An action promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, which requires embassies and consulates to place a bench in their facilities as a symbol of the fight against violence against women.

In addition to Manzitti, the prototypes were evaluated by a jury made up of Berta Julià, Founder of Alted and External Coordinator of the Product Design course at IED Barcelona; Bet Cantallops, Architect at Saeta Estudi and Teacher of projects for the subject “Urban Materials” at IED Barcelona; Mattia Lupini, Consul of the Consulate General of Italy in Barcelona; Annamaria Di Giorgio, Director of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura; Álex Estévez, Partner/Product Designer at Mermeladaestudio and Teacher at IED Barcelona; and Gabriele Schiavon, Co-founder and Creative Director of Lagranja Design.

After examining all the proposals, this committee shortlisted four projects, one of which will become a reality, being manufactured and installed at the Consulate General of Italy in Barcelona on 8 March.


Check out the different projects and find out the four finalists in this carousel.

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