Scholarship Competition for Bachelor of Arts and Foundation Courses
Get ready to start your new educational journey with an extra boost!
For the academic year 2025/2026, IED – Istituto Europeo di Design and Accademia di Como “Aldo Galli” are offering 132 Scholarships covering 100% or 50% of the tuition fees for the Bachelor of Arts, Foundation Courses and the Five-year Degree Program held in Milan, Cagliari, Florence, Rome, Turin, and Como.
To participate in the competition, you must develop a project starting from the regulation and the brief of your area of interest:
- Design
- Fashion
- Communication
- Cinema
- Visual Arts
- Art and Restoration
Theme: Commons
Design can help include everyone by respecting differences and showing that we all have a responsibility to take care of what belongs to everyone. Everything is connected: our choices impact the environment and society, therefore we need to find smart ways to live in balance with each other and with nature. Can creativity be used to make resources improve common goods, such as water, air, nature, but also the web, knowledge, and public transport?
Show us your ideas!
The competition deadline is May 6th, 2025.
- Read the regulation
- Read the brief related to your area of interest
- Develop the project and upload all materials by May 6th, 2025
- Age between 18 and 26 years old by December 31, 2025
- Hold a High School Diploma by September 30, 2025
- Register through the form
- Be proficient in the language of the course you're applying for (level B2)
- Projects will be evaluated by a panel composed of directors and professors from the Design, Fashion, Visual Arts, Communication, Cinema and Restoration schools
- Candidates will then be invited to an interview
- Winners will be notified by email
Register here
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