Start date
June 2025
Full time
On campus
3 Weeks
2.600 €
The Advanced Graphic Design Summer course provides you with the necessary skills and a solid understanding of the key areas of graphic design.
You will increase your level of expertise and confidence in the many components of visual communication. With an in-depth knowledge of the principles of design you will learn to create professional designs in both print and digital formats as well as gaining valuable insights into the areas of logo creation, image creation, designing for the web, typography and branding.
During this three-week course, you will examine and draw inspiration from the artistic treasures and great museum in Florence in order to create the visual identity of a chosen museum that needs rebranding, maintaining the brand consistency and voice across mediums.
Through an in-depth study of the principles of design, the three-weeks course provides you with the skills to create professional designs in both print and digital formats, as well as allows you to gain valuable insights into the areas of logo creation, image creation, typography and branding.
In order to build a comprehensive knowledge background the study path includes a strategic combination of lectures, case studies, workshops, as well as site visits to museums and exhibitions, under the guidance of industry professionals. Site visits are an integral part of the program’s learning experience and are designed to complement what is acquired in the classroom as well as serve as an on-going orientation to the field.
Based on your research, and drawing inspiration from the visits to major art and historical sights, and open-air attractions in Florence, you will create a visual concept for a “New Museum in Florence”. You will have to select the right visual elements, that consists in naming, branding, infographic and the advertisement campaign, to contact with the visitors. During the final presentation, each project will be discussed individually or in group.
Lessons are held from Monday to Friday, on a full time basis (morning and afternoon) the course has a duration of 75 hours spread over 3 weeks.
The course is intended for students who have competence or basic professional expertise in the area of study and are interested in developing their professional skills. Participants must be familiar with the main graphic tools and software (Adobe Ps/Ai) and should be motivated to work independently or in team and under deadlines.
Monique, student from Kingston - Jamaica, talks about her experience during the Summer Course in Florence.
Alumna IED