Summer Courses in Italy
Admission procedures for the Summer courses held at the Italian locations
To begin the process of admission to the IED Summer Courses, it is important to verify that you meet the necessary requirements and carefully follow the prescribed procedure.
In addition to the Summer Courses in the catalog, IED offers a selection of Junior Summer Courses, introductory and aimed at third/fourth year high school students and recent graduates.
Choose the type of summer course you are interested in and consult the 3 steps that illustrate the enrollment process.
In the Useful Links section at the bottom of the page, you can download the Admission and Enrollment Procedures and the Procedures for Student Visa Applicants.
Enrollment Process - Summer Courses
For admission to summer courses, candidates must have an Upper Secondary School Diploma and a B2 level English knowledge, and must be aged 18 or over at the date of registration*.
For ‘Intermediate’ and ‘Advanced’ courses, candidates must be registered on a university programme in the same field of the chosen Summer course; have a Degree or professional experience in the disciplinary area of the chosen course.
* IED reserves the right to consider and accept candidates under 18 for admission to the course of study. For students aged under 18, admission may only be confirmed following a successful motivational interview.
To begin the admission procedure, students must access their reserved area.
The credentials for accessing the portal are sent directly by the Admission Advisor. Students that do not have yet the credentials should send a request through the website in the webpage of the relevant course, in order to obtain them.Once students have accessed the portal, they have to upload the required documents in the reserved area.
Documents mandatory for all courses:
– Pre-enrolment form and privacy sheet, filled out and signed;
– Copy of a valid ID document/passport for non-EU students;
– Copy of high school diploma, translated into Italian or English;
– Motivational letter (written in the language the course is to be taught in);
– English language certificate issued by an authorised body. Students without a certificate must attend an interview on campus or via Skype.
Additional documents required for ‘Intermediate’ and ‘Advanced’ courses only:
– Degree certificate (or attendance certificate) and transcript;
– Project portfolio;
– Curriculum Vitae
Once you had the selection interview, access your private area; where you can complete the registration process.
Enrollment Process - Junior Summer Courses
IED offers the following Junior Summer Courses, delivered in Italian Language at the Rome office
- Digital design and fabrication
- Digital Sculpting
- Copywriter generation
- Your first exhibition: Photography and Artificial Intelligence
- My Own Fashion Stylist
The courses are introductory. They are aimed at third / fourth year high school students and recent graduates.
No software knowledge or skills are required.
To start the admission procedure you must log in to your reserved area.
The access credentials to the portal are sent directly by the Admission Advisor. If you don't have them yet, you need to send a request in order to receive them.
Once logged in, upload the required documents in the reserved area.
Mandatory documents for all courses:
– Completed and signed pre-registration and privacy information form;
– Copy of valid identity document / passport for non-EU students;
Once the selection interview has taken place, access your reserved area, where you can conclude your enrollment process.
Scholarships, facilitations and funding
IED has always been committed to guaranteeing access to training for as many students as possible.
Find out how to access facilitations, funding and scholarships.

Taxes and contributions
On the page of each course you will find informations on the price, including enrolment fee and tuition fee.
Go back to the course page or follow this link to search for it

Useful links
Download the documents and consult the Admission and Enrollment Procedures to IED Summer Courses