El IED Barcelona se alía con Plant for the Planet por la restauración de ecosistemas


04 February 2025

An agreement that merges design and sustainability with a common purpose: to promote future generations of change agents

IED Barcelona and Plant-for-the-Planet Spain have signed a collaboration agreement that merges design and sustainability with a common purpose: to promote future generations of change agents. This agreement — the foundation’s first with a design school — reinforces the actions of the Forest Action Laboratory (L.A.B.), whose mission is to discover, empower and enhance the talent of young people, preparing them to become global citizens committed to the climate and environmental crisis.

Under this alliance, IED Barcelona is committed to providing the foundation with two full scholarships — valued at 1,200 euros each — so that two of the young people who form part of its Network of Ambassadors for Climate Justice can take an IED Barcelona Summer Course (the Fashion Design - Junior and Global Design - Junior programmes).

On their side, Plant-for-the-Planet will impart two training sessions at IED on environmental and climate issues (the first during the 2024-2025 academic year, and the second in the 2025-2026 academic year). In addition, a group of up to 20 people selected by IED Barcelona participated in a tree-planting activity in the Serra de Queralt (Barcelona) during the first months of 2025; an action with a double impact: practical and symbolic, to contribute to reducing the effects of climate change. In 2011, Plant-for-the-Planet reached the goal of planting a million trees.

In addition, this academic year, Business Design students will have the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation as a case study for their final thesis.

Cover photo: Jordi Juanós Amperi, Managing Director of the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation Spain, and Andrea Marchesi, Director of IED Barcelona, ​​during the signing of the agreement.

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