


Start date

October 2025


Full time


On campus


3 Years



Course Coordination

Manuela Colombini

Course also available in:


Tell the story of a fashion product using a powerful marketing storytelling: you will learn how to understand consumer needs and connect with your target market. Come and find out all about this with our three-year Fashion Marketing Undergraduate Programme at IED Firenze

Making a good product into a successful one: the three-year Undergraduate Programme in Fashion Marketing at IED Firenze will get you into the heart of fashion, probably the most creative and challenging market sector in our society today. We will go through it together, in a way to understand how innovative marketing and communication strategies can really make the difference in a fashion project.

This programme has been developed to meet the growing demands of a dynamic international market. We want to prepare future professionals who can cover a whole variety of roles, driven by modern thinking, strategic vision and cross-sector experience and knowledge.

While here, you will learn how to carry out market research, collect information, analyse data, create brand identity and market placement. You will also understand what kind of communication tools, distribution strategy and interaction with consumers, media and PR should be developed as a result. And your focus will always be on the latest trends and evolutions in terms of style and inspiration.

Issued Degree:

Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello (DAPL), corresponding to a Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA) – EQF6 Level (European Qualification Framework).


The course awards 180 CFA (Academic Formative Credits), corresponding to 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).

*This course is currently under review by MUR - Ministry of University and Research – for the academic year 2025-2026. The information on this page will be updated once the approval process has been completed. 

Information to decide

When marketing turns into storytelling as a strategy for brands, designers and fashion products

The three-year Undergraduate Programme in Fashion Marketing at IED Firenze covers a variety of cultural subjects, techniques and methods of the fashion world. Based on a creative, practical and cross-cutting approach, it will prepare you for many different roles that you may take on when working on your marketing and communication projects.

The main factor that all these jobs have in common is the knowledge and understanding of the fashion system. Over three years, you will learn how to effectively design and manage new communication strategies and integrated business plans. You will work on advertising campaigns, liaising with media and industry partners across digital and social media platforms. You will also take on new challenges such as ethics and sustainability, which are currently reshaping the industry and market as a whole.

The Fashion Marketing degree programme at IED Firenze will encourage you to take on a new thinking and a stronger global vision, as you move towards becoming the key connection between fashion companies and consumers. To achieve all this, you will be supported by experienced experts, working on a variety of projects in cooperation with some of our partner companies. This way, you will have full access to all the tools you need to develop a complete marketing plan on your own and with some innovative thinking.

The three-year Undergraduate Programme in Fashion Marketing at IED Firenze is for students with a strong motivation and creativity, both of which are key factors to understand and engage with fashion, media and brand identity. This programme is just made for you if you feel the digital market has no boundaries or age, if you want to break the rules when it comes to launching a new fashion product and if you want to bring new light to the industry with your own vision and experience.

This training will turn you into a valuable resource for companies looking to stay competitive in current market conditions. You will do all this as you work towards developing strong brand identity and new products that will meet consumer needs and expectations.

With your knowledge of processes, methods and materials, you will be able to confidently interpret market trends and work your way into different roles such as Brand and Communication Specialist, Merchandising Specialist, Product Manager, Fashion Buyer, Retail & Store Specialist and Digital Coordinator.

The key asset of our three-year Fashion Marketing degree programme at IED Firenze is a strong focus on project design and product development processes. But even more so is a method, which is based on two main drivers: one is innovation, reflecting the ability to think creative using any data, analysis and research to provide an overview of global and digital markets. And the other one is cross-sector thinking, which is viewed as a way to bridge the gap between education and work, based on the use of specific skills from many different areas of fashion.

As you enjoy this experience at IED Firenze, you will have the opportunity to get in touch with students, alumni, experts and guest speakers, while also being involved in real-life project works. Working closely with companies will help you embrace a multi-disciplinary approach. You will enjoy working as part of a team and develop a greater awareness of contemporary lifestyles, media practices and the way products are designed, marketed and made available to consumers.

The limited number of students is another great advantage. You will be able to develop close and personal relationships with your lecturers, who are selected among professionals and experts from the industry. On top of that, the school provides the best level of learning experience with labs, equipment, workshops and a teaching method which is constantly being improved and updated.

This programme has a special focus on market transformation, which is currently driven by an ever faster pace of change. Together we will create a product narrative from concept to promotion, going through all the key steps that bring uniqueness and sophistication to any fashion business. This includes market research and analysis, business planning, budgeting, relationship and viral marketing, consumer psychology and brand analysis.

The main software you will need during your course is provided by IED!

On this page you will find all the features you need for your computer. 


Manuela Colombini

Co-founder Strategist & Client Manager of M2 Consultancy Srl

Course Coordinator
