Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello (DAPL) in  Design della Comunicazione - IED Cagliari



Start date

October 2025


Full time


On campus


3 Years



Course Coordination

Marco Duò

Course also available in:


Learn how to make strategic use of creative techniques as a way to translate brand targets into meaningful content for high-impact communications, memorable campaigns, brand identities and integrated media-neutral communication projects, covering everything from digital to ambient advertising and across all on-line/off-line media.

With communication as a core discipline, this three-year programme provides a comprehensive view of the profession, covering design, art, graphic design, art direction, target behaviour analysis, marketing, content design, copywriting and creative writing, analogue and digital technologies, social media and the Metaverse.

Based on day-to-day interaction between theory, project design and hands-on experimentation, you will learn how to make full use of all the tools required to build integrated communication projects and successfully launch brands into the market.

The Communication Design degree programme at IED Cagliari provides training for future professionals in such areas as project planning, implementation and creative design, always based on a strategic approach.

Because this is what becoming a Communication Designer is all about: having a deep knowledge of the latest techniques, styles and technologies involved in communication design, while also understanding how the profession is embedded in the overall strategic ecosystem.

Issued Degree:

Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello (DAPL), corresponding to a Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA) – EQF6 Level (European Qualification Framework).


The course awards 180 CFA (Academic Formative Credits), corresponding to 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).

Information to decide

If you can imagine a future where ideas, creativity, vision, and storytelling power make all the difference, then Communication Design is just the way you are looking for.

This programme is based on a combination of theory, technical, practical and vocational learning to further develop strategic and creative thinking.

As such, teaching methods encourage interaction between project thinking, creativity, technology and experimentation, with a strong focus on professional practice.

The curriculum combines lessons, practice work, classroom testimonies, case histories and projects developed either individually or in group sessions.

Training is spread over six semesters with an overall length of three years. You will have the opportunity to develop a variety of design projects and gain experience on a learning-by-doing basis, working closely with real-life market-based partners, institutions, companies and brands.

Over the three years of coursework, you will be experiencing a combination of both cross-cutting joint activities and vertical learning approaches as a way to develop specialised skills. Cross-cutting activities will provide you with socio-cultural, technical and analytical knowledge. You will also develop personal talent, creativity, experimentation and research skills as a prerequisite for mastering the creative process and understanding your own identity as a project designer. Starting in the second year, you will become more familiar with the professional tools, while also experimenting with personal skills and practising on projects.

Like so many, you may feel like you are at a crossroads right now. Making a choice is not an easy task. Try and understand what you want to do: just listen to your passions, figure out your talents, and things will become clearer on the way. If you have always been fascinated and inspired by communication, if you always put a little creativity into everything you do, and if you like looking at the world and reinventing everything, then you are not that far from making your choice.

The three-year programme in Communication Design at IED Cagliari will show you how to channel your skills and build a career out of them. Based on a combination of learning and hands-on experimentation, this programme will take you to understand communication as a tool to support companies and brands with specific strategic business goals. You will learn how to use professional techniques as a way to develop creative projects, thus producing powerful campaigns, videos and key messaging to be delivered across all media.

And all this groundwork will take you into becoming a professional with a perfect knowledge of the local environment, but most importantly, of the global scenario. Training at IED will allow you to approach the job market with a set of professional skills that will make you stand out. Indeed, the IED network can provide networking opportunities with a number of companies and communications agencies that will be involved in classroom activities at different times. Specifically, they will bring in real project work to commission and will assess your skills for a possible internship opportunity at the end of the three-year programme.

The Communication Design degree programme at IED Cagliari is based on what is now a key prerequisite for the business and labour market as well as for all everyday interactions: the critical role of communication in the contemporary world, on all levels and across all contexts, no matter what the business sector is.

This is why having an in-depth knowledge of communication - with a focus on methods, tools and digital elements - has become crucial for a better understanding of how market and civil society, brands and consumers, institutions and citizens interact with each other. Put more simply, communication drives people-to-people interaction. Against this background, our three-year programme seeks to introduce students to three different levels of learning and knowledge: thinking skills, project design skills as well as communication skills.

The main software you will need during your course is provided by IED!

On this page you will find all the features you need for your computer. 


Primo anno

Il primo anno sarà la chiave d’accesso al corso, perché ha come obiettivo quello di porre le basi culturali, di contesto e strumentali da cui si sviluppa il Design della Comunicazione. In particolare, acquisirai i metodi e i linguaggi per l’impostazione e la realizzazione di un progetto: dalla comprensione del briefing alla presentazione dell’elaborato alla committenza, dallo sviluppo di un concept creativo alla cura degli aspetti legati alla comunicazione e alla presentazione del progetto stesso.

Sarà un percorso che in primo luogo ti fornirà il sostrato culturale per poter approcciare al design in modo consapevole, approfondendo la comunicazione come contesto professionale strettamente intrecciato alla progettazione. Proseguirà concentrandosi sulle metodologie della comunicazione e sui processi che portano allo sviluppo di progetti di comunicazione integrata e crossmediale, esplorando le tecniche e gli strumenti propri del lavoro, per poi concludersi con un primo confronto operativo con il mestiere, in particolare con la comunicazione visiva e il content design.

Secondo anno

Durante il secondo anno approfondirai alcuni temi già affrontati, come il design e le metodologie di progettazione della comunicazione, al fine di consolidare quella base culturale e intellettuale seminata nell’annualità precedente. In questo secondo anno, però, la fase operativa sarà caratterizzata da due progettazioni di particolare rilevanza: lo sviluppo di un progetto di branding, dall’identità visiva a quella testuale-verbale, e lo sviluppo di un concept creativo di campagna che abbia una poliedricità multicanale. In questo modo, avrai l’opportunità di confrontarti con i processi del lavoro, sperimentando le tecniche e gli strumenti del graphic design, dell’art direction e del content design.

Ancora più nello specifico, il secondo anno vedrà un modulo verticale sul copywriting e sulla scrittura creativa e un altro focalizzato sul social media management e la digital activation, necessario per imparare a gestire e presidiare tutti gli spazi digitali dei brand e raggiungere tutti pubblici.

Terzo anno

Arrivati al terzo anno, sarai pienamente padrone del background culturale alla base del design della comunicazione e inizierai così il percorso che ti condurrà alla tesi finale. Lungo quest'ultimo tratto di strada, sarai chiamato al vero punto di svolta che dalla condizione di studenti ti porterà a una maggiore consapevolezza professionale: lo studio e l’ideazione di un progetto di comunicazione integrata, in grado di mettere insieme analisi strategica, brand design, concettualizzazione creativa, esecuzione grafica e di contenuto, declinazione e pianificazione sui media. Inoltre, avrai la possibilità di sperimentare anche la progettazione video, strumento indispensabile della comunicazione: dal video storytelling con obiettivi di branding, ai film pubblicitari, fino ai mini video per i social media. Per la prima volta nel triennio ti confronterai con un processo reale e completo del mestiere del Designer della Comunicazione, lavorando in team, analizzando la commessa, osservando lo scenario di mercato, producendo messaggi e contenuti di comunicazione e infine presentando il tuo lavoro.


Marco Duò

Course Coordinator

Course Coordinator

Ilaria Legato

Brand e Food Designer

Diego Fontana

Alessandro Cortes

Graphic designer

Andrea Pisanu

Web designer

Giulia Eremita

Digital marketing consultant    

Laura Cara

Gianna Angelini

Strategic Marketing Consultant    

Daniele Conti

Illustrator and Graphic Designer

Marco Peri

Art Historian    

Luigi Sardiello


Daniele Congiu
