Academic year


A multifunctional support that combines sturdy seating with versatile storage shelves to meet everyday needs.

The thesis project revolves around the idea of using the shapes of external sunshades as supports for movable elements that seamlessly integrate into the environment, offering practical and innovative solutions for the users' daily needs.

The proposed design includes a multifunctional surface that serves multiple purposes: from seating, designed to be strong and durable, to storage shelves, valued for their versatility and ease of access.

Casa Oz represents everyday life for those who have temporarily lost it. Inspired by this principle, Product Design students have created objects, furniture, and accessories to enrich and evoke this sense of normalcy.
Stools, sound-absorbing panels, games, and elements that encourage social interaction: in their thesis projects, students focused on two key areas distinctive to the association: spaces dedicated to food preparation and consumption, and outdoor areas that promote enjoyment and connection with nature.

Thesis Supervisor: Motoki Yoshio
Assistant Supervisor: Alice Mela, Marco Cassino