Academic year


Tomo – friend in Japanese – underlines the image of a vehicle that contains everything that the user needs in everyday life, inside and outside of the city.

In Tomo the traditional barriers between the exterior and interior of a vehicle exist physically but are conceptually eliminated: the coupé volume and the functions of a mini pickup are in fact “masked” by an external appearance that is both fashionable and youthfully urban.
The interior is therefore designed to offer experiences in line with the easy, friendly setting of the screens, steering wheel and head-up display on the windscreen. The exterior, on the other hand, is shaped around these functions, becoming almost an empathetic, identifying a wearable device that adapts to the urban or suburban setting. Tomo was designed for a new market segment where age doesn't count. It aims to attract the interest of new generations who increasingly have a non-traditional occupation, who want to experience their car in a fun and useful way.