Scholarship – The right to study
The right to education is enshrined in Article 34 of the Italian Constitution and is governed by Italian Law Ranked n. 390 of December 2, 1991, implemented by the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of April 9, 2001.
The “Right to education” consist in the provision of scholarships and services that IED offers in order to encourage capable and worthy students, even if without financial resources, to attend courses to obtain an First Level Academic Diploma.
IED, through the Office DSU, provides economic benefits and coordinates actions and service to implement this Right, as required by the Italian Regional (Lombardy) Law no. 33 dated December 13, 2004 (“Regulations on regional interventions financial aid and university study grants”).
The benefits provided consist of:
- Scholarships (through competition held annually)
IED is also committed to promote a series of actions, aimed at improving the living conditions of students, in particular through:
- Service library, newspaper library, video library and borrow books free of charge
- Cultural and social activities
- Tutoring Educational Activities
- Consulting for guidance to facilitate the connection between the curriculum and the workplace
- Internship Office
- Conventions (for access to facilities and services at discounted rates)
- Assistance to students
Applications for a scholarship may be presented by italian and foreign students (EU and Extra EU) who meet all the following requirements:
- they are an IED student enrolled in a First Level Academic Diploma course at Istituto Europeo di Design, in the seats of Milan, Rome, Turin, Cagliari or Florence, for the Academic Year 2024/2025;
- They have an ISEE indicator (Equivalent Financial Situation Indicator) of less than € 26.306,25 euro and an ISPE Indicator – ISP/ equivalence scale (Equivalent Equity Situation Indicator) less than € 57.187,53 euro. The above certificates must be requested at the CAAF Centres (Authorized Tax Assistance Centers); For more details please consult the call.
- have obtained a Upper Secondary School Diploma average of no less than 80/100 (only for students enrolling in the 1st year); Students who have obtained an Upper Secondary School Diploma in a country other than Italy will be evaluated according to the final grade resulting from the conversion formula adopted by MIUR; For more details please consult the call.
have obtained the following credits no later than August 10th 2024:
- at least 40 credits (only for students enrolling in the 2nd year)
- at least 100 credits (only for students enrolling in the 3rd year)
The scholarship application call is not open to students who hold or have held — even partially — for the same year a scholarship (or comparable form of economic aid related to consideration of income conditions or study results or a combination of both) awarded by IED or other public or private institutions - For more details please consult the call.
N.B. In order to apply for the scholarship application call is sufficient to be interested in or admitted to a First Level Academic Diploma. Access to scholarships and to the enjoyment of benefits and services pertaining to the right to study are restricted to students who are regularly enrolled in the academic year 2024/2025. Note that in order to be “regularly enrolled”, students must, as provided by IED General Regulations for three-year programmes, be in order with their academic requirements and administrative position, paying enrolment and tuition fee by: 30/09/2024 students enrolled in the 2nd and 3rd year - 31/10/2024 students enrolled in the 1st year.
- Fill in and submit the online application form no later than November 4th 2024
- By the same date, provide the necessary documents to the DSU Office. For the list of documents please consult the call.
The online application form does not in any way replace the application submitted in printed form. Failure to submit a document within the prescribed period or the submission of an invalid document will result in exclusion from the scholarship selection process.
The value of the scholarship differs based on the income bracket and the student’s geographic origin from a minimum of 2.098 Euro to a maximum of 8.070 euro
Temporary Ranking List 2024/2025
- Final List will be be published no sooner than: December 19th, 2024
For any further information, you can consult the call or write us at the following e-mail address: dsu@milano.ied.it.